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XII. Zenede-nap és J. Offenbach: Kékszakáll c. vígoperája a zeneiskolában


13:30 Fúvós zenekari koncert (színházterem)
14:00 Vonós zenekari koncert (színházterem)
14:30 Hangszerbemutató (színházterem)
15:30 Hangszer-simogató (színházterem)
16:30 Tombola (aula)
17:00 Jazz-klub (II. emelet, 218.)
18:00-20:30 Operastúdió: Kékszakáll c. vígopera előadás (színházterem)
19:00 Táncház (I. emelet, 116.)

A programok alatt:
– kicsiknek: 15:00-17:00 Kézműves foglalkozás (földszint, 6.)

– nagyoknak: 14:30-19:00 Társasjáték (II. emelet, 219.)

Az Operastúdió előadásában J. Offenbach Kékszakáll című Vígoperáját is láthatjuk, hallhatjuk 18 órától.

A belépőjegyek megvásárlásával a zeneiskola alapítványát támogatják. Jegyek a helyszínen is válthatók.

Szeretettel várunk mindenkit!


Tandíjak és térítési díjak befizetése a II. félévre – PÓTBEFIZETÉS!


A befizetést elmulasztók nagy száma miatt


2018. február 21-én szerdán 14.00 és 18.00 óra között!

Kérjük, ezen a napon pótolják az elmulasztott befizetést! Az alábbiakban olvashatják a részleteket!

A befizetés

HELYSZÍNE: a zeneiskola központja (1042 Budapest, István út 17-19. II. emelet, iroda)

MÓDJA: KIZÁRÓLAG KÉSZPÉNZBEN (a család bármely tagja által)

IDEJE: 2018. február 12. (hétfő) 13.00-18.00-ig
2018. február 14. (szerda) 13.00-18.00-ig
2018. február 16. (péntek) 13.00-18.00-ig

A 2017. szeptemberében megállapított kedvezmények egész tanévre érvényesek.

Ugyanebben az időben várjuk alapítványi hozzájárulásukat a hangszervásárlási alap számára.

További részletek ide kattintva érhetők el: BEFIZETÉS



PÓTBEFIZETÉS: 2017. szeptember 27. (szerda) 13.00-tól 18.30-ig

Kedves Szülők, Növendékek!

A tandíjak és térítési díjak befizetésének határideje lejárt, de még EGY ALKALOMMAL várjuk azokat, akik a múlt héten nem tudtak bejönni befizetni.

A pótbefizetés időpontja:

2017. szeptember 27. (szerda)
13.00-tól 18.30-ig

Díjkedvezmény iránti kérelmét is el tudjuk még fogadni, ha a pótbefizetésre kereseti igazolással jön. Várjuk és köszönjük alapítványunk Hangszervásárlási Alapjának támogatását is ezen a napon (illetve bármikor).

A befizetés ebben a tanévben – a Tankerület döntése alapján – csak készpénzben történhet!


people may have gender identity

The hand side also has a slight bit of padding to it. Not much to get excited about, just enough to maybe lessen the sting you would receive. Now on the flip side of the paddle, you have your very dull, black plain side; the side that REALLY enhances the sting (if you dare to use it).

This tempting tidbit lodges in Monty’s fertile mind and begins forthwith to sow dark intentions. Monty is on the verge of losing his love, the socially ambitious Sibella Hallward (Lisa O’Hare), to a more well heeled man. Might she not reconsider if Monty were to establish himself as a bona fide D’Ysquith, or better yet, to hack his way through all that underbrush on the family tree and arrive at the tippy top, becoming the ninth earl of Highhurst?.

For other inquiries, Contact Us. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). It’s hard to remember a pre Sept. 11 world where passengers routinely strolled directly onto planes no security and puffed cigarettes throughout their flight. It’s even more difficult to believe how long that took to change, given the skyjacking surge terrifying in retrospect that lasted for more than a decade.

It sounds like the boundaries in her house aren’t so great. I’m a very open person, but parents and children need boundaries, and a mother offering to give her daughter her own fellatio tips speaks pretty clearly of a lack of them. That lack of boundaries might also explain things like the Wal Mart incident..

He’s fought greedy industrialists; he’s been the embodiment of Eisenhower era conformity; he’s died and been resurrected; and he’s sported a really atrocious hairdo all of these Supermen are the real deal. Despite the combative sounding title, Weldon’s tone is light, speaking of Superman as you might of an old and dear friend whose imperfections you still wryly acknowledge. For example, there were those years in the late ’50s, which he spent inexplicably being a complete jerk to all his friends.

Remain calm. On Friday. It is a drill. Some people may have gender identity issues with either being entered or entering someone’s body. The ways we feel about our own bodies and body parts, and whether those align with what our partners may see about us or understand about our identities, can sometimes be confusing. Regardless of our gender, we may also have preferences about what kind of sexual roles we see as acceptable or desirable for ourselves..

He has the right to speak as much as he wants. He just doesn’t have the right to have a job at Towson. I have a similar type of job (as many people do), meaning I can be fired for any legal reason. „The Sun”, „Sun”, „Sun Online” are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers’ Limited’s Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy Cookie Policy. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site.

This is a very adorable outfit with cute details. You can dress it up, dress it down, make it sexy, and make it appropriate. Wear it to a party, or wear it in the bedroom. The aftertaste actually made me nauseous. If you plan to start with fingering then move to oral, or to switch from vaginal to oral, use a different lubricant. I cannot emphasize enough how much you do not want to taste this..

The annual soiree is not merely an opportunity to don sequins, sip terrible wine and nosh on canapes https://www.vibratorsdildosandsextoys.com from Costco. It’s the year’s most crucial social function, the ideal place to rub shoulders and make lasting impressions. Add in our new, casual, cubicle free open workspaces, and our now pretty much mandatory Facebook friendships with the boss, and it’s impossible to wall off your personal life from your professional life for very long..

But the agreement to let many stay in Israel drew harsh criticism from some of Mr. Netanyahu’s right wing coalition allies, who were taken by surprise. Naftali Bennett, the education minister and leader of the far right Jewish Home party, said the deal would „turn Israel into an infiltrator’s paradise.”In a late night Facebook post he said he was „attentive” to critics and wanted to explain the sequence cheap sex toys of events.

Perhaps most radically of all, TUC General Secretary Frances O argues that our voluntary model of skills training, in which individuals are typically expected to bear the cost themselves, is inadequate in this new era. Instead, Government should fund this reskilling in full and potentially even paying people to retrain. This is certainly a bold vision, but arguably it the kind of ambitious policy thinking that matches the scale of the changes ahead.