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The first working prototype, lovingly designated „The First One” by its crews, exited the Farat Gorgon factories on December 25th, 1919. After leaving the building and beginning to role off of the tarmac, the vehicle proceeded to immediately drive towards the local town of Horoa in New Tylisvia for a show off to the people and to test its urban capabilities. When it reached East Baker street, the tank immediately began to fall through the road due to its obscenely heavy weight and eventually ended up having to be lifted out of the ground via an industrial crane borrowed from one of the local shipyards. Many changes were made after this disastrous first test drive, especially regarding weight and its distribution as well as the removement of some of the heavier firepower, most notably an 8 inch howitzer cannon (204mm) which was haphazardly built into the main turret. The main cannon was then changed to a 1.85 inch (47mm) gun and the internal configuration was quickly modified to be more lightweight, using less armor and materials.”

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The First Order should have been more like terrorists and not a whole army capable of wiping out problems. And no stormtroopers jesus. or at least they should have changed them way more.

Definetly agree that the Jedi Order shouldn be extinct (again). Luke with an academy and struggling to be a master in his old age would have been a wise choice, with Rey ending up with the others at the end.

And about the First Order, I think it would have been better if they worked in the shadows and by the end of the movie (or even the 2nd one) they blow up the New Republic senate or something and chaos ensues, triggering the conflict.

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